
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Board of Directors

DeGregorio Family Foundation

Lynn Degregorio
President & Founder
Richard DeGregorio, MD
Steve Friedman
Daniel Harizman
Frank Licciardi
Brett Lisle
Todd Litinsky
Michael J. Meagher
Kaveh Motamedy
Karen Naber
Nick Savone
David Vaden

Are you interested in serving on the DeGregorio Family Foundation Board?

We are currently accepting Board Members.
We are seeking individuals who are passionate about finding a cure for stomach and esophageal cancer and who can bring a diversity of experience to the board in order to help to expand the organization’s impact, visibility, and fundraising.

For additional information regarding Board responsibilities and to have an application form e-mailed to you, please contact Lynn DeGregorio 